Songpan to Emeishan

We were back in the bus from SongPan to Chengdu. It's funny to observe how even the long distance bus plays a role in the local community. The driver will wait for someone in the middle of nowhere or will pick a local and drop him off a few kilometres further.

The trip was as comfortable as our way up to Songpan. People spitting and vomiting due to some severe motion sickness. A poor lady was nose bleeding. A baby was crying at the back wondering when the madness will end. And the driver was incessantly horn honking to avoid potential coalitions. We put our ears plugs and tried to get some sleep even though the scenery outside the bus was astonishing -  a range of green mountains dropping steeply into the river.

Two Travel The World - Songpan to Emeishan

All of sudden, we stopped. The road was blocked. After making hypotheses of was could have happened, and with nothing else to do, we walk up the road to see what was blocking the traffic.

A massive rock fall had buried the road during the night. Tons of rocks slid off the cliff and damaged the main roadway to Chengdu. Luckily, nobody was hurt but we would be stuck here for a while. Bye bye our connecting train at Chengdu and bye bye our hostel at Emeishan.

Two Travel The World - Songpan to Emeishan

An hour later we heard a huge blast. The road engineers just used dynamite to blast away debris. Hopefully, we would not be sleeping in a bus tonight. Great news! As we were walking, the traffic was moving again. We were not close to our bus which probably was also moving - with all gears and luggage. Damn it!

We ran like crazy. Our bus was still waiting in the middle of the road being overtaken by everyone else. The driver was not so happy and yelled some Chinese. Whatever, we were back on the bus!

We took a long time to go back to Chengdu but we caught up our train and could enjoy a good night sleep in our charming hotel in Emeishan. What a day!

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